S T A D T   N A C H   A C H T   L A B S

Stadt Nach Acht will host a series of “Labs” bringing together experts, practitioners, researchers and more knowledge-holders to summerize the state of the art in some key topics for future nightlife settings: awareness What can be state as current analysis …  read more


C O N F E R E N C E   B E R L I N   |   F R E I ( T ) R Ä U M E

STADT NACH ACHT will set up a new conference edition also in 2018! From the 9th to 10th of November 2018 we will organise a “FREI(T)RÄUME” special conference. Focussing on the cultural approach we presented on our “public day” the read more


N I G H T S   2 0 1 8   –   S T A D T   N A C H   A C H T   |   B R U S S E L S

From 15th to 17th of November, STADT NACH ACHT will be part of international NIGHTS edition in Brussels. Togehter with our friends and partners from Modus Vivendi from Brussels and Nightlife Platform (formerly Plateforme Nationale de la Vie Nocturne – read more